Voter Registration Mail FAQs

Civitech is a public benefit corporation that assists organizations to register voters. One way we do that is by mailing voter registration applications to people we have identified as being possibly unregistered. If you've been directed to this page, you may have been included in a group of people that recently received one of these mailings.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why did I receive a Voter Registration Form in the Mail

We send voter registration forms to individuals we have identified as unregistered throughout the United States. Our records show you have either never registered, moved recently, or need to update your registration.

I'm Already Registered and I Received a Voter Registration Form

We try to make sure every person who is eligible to vote is registered. Sometimes individuals who receive a form from us are already registered. If that's the case, simply discard your form. But we strongly suggest checking your voter registration with your local elections department, or on the secretary of state's website. 

The Information on the Form is Incorrect

If you are not registered to vote and live in the state the form is addressed to be returned to, you can still use this form by crossing out the current information and handwriting your info. If the form you received is addressed to a different state, you should simply throw it away, and if you need to register to vote, we can help you complete the process. 

If you can not register to vote, please disregard the form.

Can I be Removed from the List?

We will remove records from our system upon request by individuals. To make this request, email: with your name, addresses, and any additional information you can provide about the mailing that you received. Please note that because we populate our lists from public records that are periodically refreshed, there is a possibility that similar info from a different source may be provided to us. We will take reasonable means to maintain opt-out lists but may occasionally receive new records that could cause you to receive a mailing in the future. 

How does Civitech Source information about the people mailed?

The individuals included in our mailings are sourced from public records that are available to organizations upon official request. This information included name and address in order to check registration status.

Is Civitech associated with Local Elections Official or Government Offices? 

Civitech is a private public benefit corporation that is not part of the government or election offices. Our organization works closely with the Secretary of State, local government, and the United States Post Office to ensure that our work strictly complies with state and federal laws. We communicate with state officials to advocate on behalf of voter registration and civic engagement efforts that ensure that all citizens have a voice and are involved in our society and government. 

I have other questions that are not addressed here.

We are here to help with any questions you have regarding the voter registration form and Civitech’s services. Reach out to us at or if you prefer to leave us a voicemail, you can call: 833-699-8900. Please include your name, phone number and summary of the questions you have so we can help you as quickly as possible. 

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